
If you are looking for a new federal student loan, we encourage you to visit your financial aid office. All federal student loans come directly from the Department of Education. For information regarding a private student loan or the financial aid process, visit

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If you have a student loan with AHELA, you may access your loan information at the servicer’s website:


Great Lakes Higher Education

If you don’t know who is servicing your loan, you may obtain this information by accessing the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) online. NSLDS is the Department of Education’s central database for all student loans and grants.


AHELA’s affiliate, Southwest Higher Education Services Corporation, provides tools and resources to help you navigate the financial aid process. We are committed to helping students achieve their educational goals!

To learn more about planning and paying for college click here.


For forms to request postponement of payments on your the federal student loans visit the Department of Education’s website at or contact your servicer directly.

Descriptions of the deferments and forbearances available are available at